- Appetizers:
- Niçois anchovy canapés
- Tuscan chicken liver crostini
- Baba ghannouj
- Hummus
- Grilled feta in grape leaves
- Celery sticks with taramosalata
- Spanakopita triangles
- Prosciutto wrapped melon, figs and peaches
- White bean and shrimp antipasto
- Swordfish seviche
- Red peppers in oil
- Sacro-Monte tortilla
- Meatballs in taomato sauce
- Mussels in Sherry
- Grilled Sea bass with tartar sauce
- Spit-roasted goat with tatziki sauce
- Mechouia
- Orange flavored couscous
- Potatoes with garlic and saffron
- Salads:
- Beets with orange water
- Cucumber
- Tomato and green peppers
- Tomato and onions
- Carrots
- Orange and radish
- Tabbouleh
- Morrocan beans
- Desserts:
- Baba au rhum
- Baklava and other near-east sweets
- Riz à l'Impératrice
- Dried fruits, fresh fruits
- North African mint tea
- Wines from around the Mediterranean
Guests, and many cooks:
- Joan Louis
- Jean-François Louis
- John Bavicchi
- Bev Lewis
- Jacqueline Karaslanian, her daughter and friend
- Samantha Lucy Pierre
- Kristin Boardman
- Mark Stapp
- Julia Harper
- Paul Fox
- Tim Darr
- Ross Hoffman
- Dorothy Crawford
- David Hoffman
- Jim Hall
- Anne Selman
- Curt Albee
- Yvonne Stapp
- Jean-Marc Nelson and friend Maria
- Jim Summers
- Phyllis Weinberg
- Marilee Karl
- Jack Connors
- Bettie Connors
- Madeleine Buehler
- Byron Gilchrest
- Cecile Gilchrest
- Richard Stanley
- Kate Stanley
- Judy Tesnow
- Dave Salstein
- Jane Pollack
- Catherine Melina and friend David
- Hugh Gabrielson
- Barry Singer
- Betsy Singer
- Frances Doyle
- Sylvia Pope
- François Ducroux
- Katherine Ducroux
- Brian Packham